Are you fond of honey? No, I don’t mean by gulping it down your throat, I mean using it for skin care. Well most of us are fond of using honey for a smooth skin. Savarnas Mantra has brought to you Natural Honey Exfoliant that has the benefits of Amber, Honey and Magnesium Glucomate. Benefits of Honey on skin Honey has natural anti bacterial properties, so it helps prevent acne of the skin. Honey is full of anti oxidant properties, and works great in slowing down the aging process. Honey will give your skin a completely different glow.This is because of its soothing and moisturizing properties.It is a natural humectant and therefore, will leave the skin soft, radiant and naturally glowing. Honey will help in unclogging the blocked pores of the skin, thereby it will cleanse your skin. It provides moisturizing to the hateful patchy areas of the skin. If you are having a breakout, then honey is the best natural product for you. Furthermore, honey...