Do you know the best advantage of making your eyebrows in shape? The fact that nicely shaped eyebrows can make your eyes look normally spaced!! You can make them look both, normally set as well as spaced slightly apart. If you want to give yourself a masculine or an authoritative look, then move the brows in to give a lightly stronger look.

And how can you tell if you have normally set brows or not? Follow these steps to know:
- Measure the length of your eye, from the inner corner to the edge of the eye
- Then measure the distance between your brows
- If the distance between your brows is less than the length of your eyes, then you have a close set of eyes. In that case, you should use the brow powder to separate the eyebrows
- If the distance between your brows and the length of your eyes is the same, then you have a normal set of eyes
- On the other hand, if your eyes separated by the length greater than the length of your eyes, then you have a wide set of eyes
Savarnas Mantra Soft Black Eyebrow Powder gives your brow a very natural shade. It does not give that dramatic look to your brows. It is perfect to suit your dark hair colour.
Our Brow Powder's are:- Water resistant
- Has no mineral oil added to it
- Gives a natural look to your eyebrows
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